Unity in the Spirit is the main theme of the end times.
My main conviction is that each of us, by loving the Lord, comes into union with one another.
Therefore, the central thing is to be deeply broken for Christ’s sake.
Breaking for Christ’s sake changes people. It is a breaking of heart, the deep surrendering of man.
It is a very important preparation for the coming of Jesus.
My Story
About fourteen years ago, God showed me a broken table in half and said, “This is my church. Can I eat on it? Can I write on it? It’s unusable.” I understood that He had shown me this so that I could fight for unity. Because the main problem was that it doesn’t hold up.
In the following years, I devoted myself extensively to evangelization. In doing so, I sought unity among believers through common service. I was painfully affected by division and an unwillingness to correct the lack of interest of believers. I was looking for the unity of heart that the early church had.
The Lord began to show me His plan and the invisible web of unity of believers. I began to understand that unity exists in the surrendering of servants. My task, then, is not to strive for human unification, but for the deep surrendering of individuals. When an individual surrenders fully to God, he is at the same time one with others who are also fully surrendered.
And so I started calling people to the heart and to the breaking for God’s sake. I feel that the most important thing is to be prepared for the coming of Christ. This is my mission. Without a real breakdown for Christ’s sake, we cannot enter and be known by God.
I Want to Help
I want to help everyone to be known by God. I call people into intimacy with God, which manifests itself in breaking and entering into a new life. In the sense of personality transformation. What matters most here is a transformed heart and a strong inner new man. I see this transformation as very important for entering the bride, the unification of believers.
[KJV+] Galatians 6:15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything,
nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.
Is this calling of God for us to be one with Him and one with each other? Yes, I hear this calling and feel the deep pain in His heart because of the distance between Him and His people. Without true surrendering, we are not prepared.
I want to help every believer through this website hear the calling of the Lord and enter into unity with Him.
You can find links to this website all over the earth, for the Lord is sending me (and other servants) to serve this mission.
If I can help you, let me know.
The Face of the Mission
The Lord is causing me to be in the places where this message is to be heard.
He Himself breaks the hearts of the people whom He calls to Himself.
Part of His God´s plan is that people should have sufficient time and opportunity to take their place in it.
This is our time to be who He calls us to be.
Kontakt: aya@heartforyeshua.net